Lithodidae Dromiidae Atelecyclidae Cancridae Pirimelidae Cheiragonidae Dorippidae Eriphiidae Epialtidae Inachidae Oregoniidae Pilumnidae Geryonidae Portunidae Potamidae Panopeidae Xanthidae Grapsidae Images Name list Publications Sites Whole checklist По-русски (in Russian) Porcellanidae Varunidae Camptandriidae Macrophthalmidae Pinnotheridae Hapalogastridae Plagusiidae Far East / North Pacific Black Sea Baltic Sea Freshwater crabs Arctic Ocean Designed and composed by Alex Alyakrinsky, 2011 Varunidae Brachynotus sexdentatus (Risso, 1827) Black Sea Range. “Brachynotus sexdentatus (Risso) s. 1. inhabits the entire Mediterranean and the  Black Sea while it has penetrated into the Suez Canal as far as Lake Timsah; quite recently  the species has been found in Swansea (Great Britain), where it evidently has been  accidentally introduced” [Holthuis & Gottlieb, 1958, p. 103]. Mediterranean and Black Sea;  from Great Britain to N.-E. Spain. [Kobjakova & Dolgopolskaya, 1969, p. 297].  It inhabits coastal zone of Black Sea and Sea of Azov, mainly on mud-sand and mud bottoms.  [Kobjakova & Dolgopolskaya, 1969, p. 297].  Size of carapace. Up to 20 mm. [Kobjakova & Dolgopolskaya, 1969, p. 297].  Brachyura, picture of crab Brachynotus sexdentatus Brachyura, picture of crab Brachynotus sexdentatus Brachynotus sexdentatus (Risso, 1827) Brachynotus sexdentatus Risso (fig. 184 et PL XI, fig. 7) ; Gonoplax sexdentatus Risso,  1826, 13. Brachynotus sexdentatus DE HAAN 1850, 331 ; HELLER 1863, 102; TESCH  1918, 102 ; CALMAN 1927, 125; MONOD 1932 a, 219, fig. 7 ; BALSS 1936, 43.  Helerograpsus sexdentatus LUCAS 1849, 19, PL II, fig. 4. Heterograpsus Lucasi H.  MILNE-EDWARDS 1853, 192 ; HELLER 1863, 105, PL III, fig. 5-6 ; CZERNIAVSKY  1884, 136. Brachynotus Lucasi PESTA 1918, 448, fig.148.  [Bouvier, 1940, p. 296].